Current Happening at GCTU

GCTU Establishes Technology Research And Innovation Centre

Ghana Communication Technology University

In line with our strategic direction for the year 2014, the University has established the Technology Research and Innovation Centre (TRIC). The TRIC is established to be a centre of excellence in cutting-edge research and innovative technology that will promote world class research into technology.

TRIC has five units which are responsible for Research Grants, Contracts and Awards, Policy, Training and Communication, Research Administration/Business Unit, Technology Transfer and Research Ethics & Compliance. The core responsibilities of the Office among others are to advance the course of research at GTUC. Other responsibilities include:

  • Prospecting for opportunities for sponsorship by sponsoring agencies for programmes, policies and issues relative to grants and contracts.
  • Assistance for University personnel in identifying sources of funding for research, fellowships, special programmes and other activities.
  • Collection and dissemination of appropriate information regarding sponsored projects and programme.
  • Administrative oversight of institutional committees responsible for the humane care and use of animals and protection of human subjects in research.
  • Research support for postgraduate and PhD students of the School.

It is expected that, the TRIC will advance the course of research of research by giving support to students, faculty, institutions and individuals in their research endeavors. A number of programmes have been scheduled by TRIC to help individual and institutions showcase unique projects in technology, engineering and ICT. Some of the projects TRIC intends to pursue this year are in the areas of skills development in Technology, Engineering and ICT.

The centre has held its first Technology Transfer Workshops for students and the general public in Accra and Kumasi. The theme for the workshop was “strengthening private sector initiative through innovative technology transfer”. The event was followed by an exhibition which was to create a platform for students and members of the general public to showcase projects and innovative ideas in the areas of ICT, Technology and Engineering.

An independent jury of five was set up to assess about thirty projects submitted in order to select the best. The areas of concentration were ICT, technology and engineering. Successful projects are selected for funding by COTVET through the Skill Development Fund (SDF).The last workshop will be held in Tamale on 3rd April, 2014. All research needs, interests, queries and enquiries should be directed to the Technology Research and Innovation Centre (TRIC).

Issued by University Relations Directorate
Wednesday August 27, 2014

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